Hi, I'm İrem

a 2nd Grade Computer Enginner & Junior Mobile Application Developer based in İstanbul, currently studying at Boğaziçi University.

Recent Projects

Tensorflow epidemic detection of herds

With this project our team has received 3rd place winner award in 2021 at the hackathon of Intenseye company.

HTML,TensorFlow,CSS,JavaScript and so much diseased cow photos were used.

Goal Tracker App

Basic goal listing app,that was my first React-native project,basic components like TouchableOpacity,PressHandlers,Hooks were used.

Watermark Images with your Logo

This mobile app makes it easier to label images,with aid of canvas library.

Skills and Experience



React Native,JavaScript


Kadıköy Anadolu High School(2016-2021)

Boğaziçi University, Computer Engineering(2021-now)


Advanced English

Intermediate Spanish

Turkish as native

Also Love

Vinyl Records,Bob Dylan,Jogging,Horse riding,Espresso,Dancing,Trip-hop,Languages,History and Story.

Computer Engineering courses taken so far

Introduction to Programming,Python

Object Oriented Programming,Java

Discrete Computational Structures,Java

Data Structures and Algorithm,Java


Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/irem-nur-yıldırım-4691a516a/

Mail: irem.yildirim1@boun.edu.tr

İrem Nur Yıldırım

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